Social media marketing tactics are of immense importance in the modern business scenario. Since the widest promotion is being done digitally now, and since the boom of e-commerce worldwide, how your brand gets to be seen on social media is a significant factor behind your brand’s overall performance. If the marketing you do online is effective, your online and in-store sales are more likely to go up at a better rate.
The key to good marketing on the internet is to have a well-designed marketing plan that lists all marketing goals, and the strategies required to achieve those goals. To know what your marketing plan must have in terms of the right social media marketing strategy and tactics, read on.
10 Social Media Marketing Tactics to Incorporate in Your Marketing Plan:

Having Targeted Video Content:

Despite the social platforms and their news feeds being flooded with hundreds of videos all the time, your video content is still your best shot in the social media tactics 2019. However, instead of making videos that grab attention of the general audience, make your video content targeted to your particular market segment in order to get the right audience.
Letting Chatbots Handle Basic Customer Service:

Customers ask all sorts of questions. Most of the questions require only basic answers about what your products or services are, how much you charge for them, and where you are located etc.Like many other brands, your brand can also make use of chatbots to respond automatically and immediately to these basic questions. This way, your customers get quick answers, you get a good response rate, and your customer service staff gets to work on issues that a chatbot can’t handle.
Use Bluetooth Beacons around the Town:

Bluetooth beacons are a relatively new addition to the technology that makes digital marketing easier. Basically, Bluetooth beacons are small devices that emit radio signals that are caught by the people’s phones nearby and thus, a promotional message for your brand is sent from that device to the people’s phones. This message may include a Call to Action like sign up, buy, etc.
Re-targeting to Recent Visitors:

There are many tools available that aid social media marketing tactics like retargeting and remarketing – two terms used interchangeably. Retargeting basically means that you, as a brand, approach the customer with a Call to Action as a reminder to buy the product they recently viewed on your website, or other related purposes.
24-hour Stories on Social Media Platforms:

You know why people watch stories on Snapchat, Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp? Because stories share recent, new content that expires within 24 hours. This creates a sense of urgency and curiosity in the viewers to see your stories because they don’t want to miss out on anything. You could share discount offers, user reviews, screenshots of any online achievements etc to impress your viewers and gain their trust.
Influence through the Influencers:

There are influencers in every niche. For example, HudaBeauty is an influencer in the beauty niche. An influencer is basically a blogger with a huge fan following, and getting them to promote your brand can highly benefit your sales, brand recognition, brand image, and fan following. However, it is important to approach influencers of your target niche so that the people who follow them are technically likely to become leads.
Plan and Analyze Your Conversion Plans:
Do you want the viewer to sign up to your website or buy a product or service or simply want them to share your post, or do you just want them to view your website for increased traffic? Knowing what you want in terms of your conversion goals can ease the process of analyzing how well you are doing. In fact, setting these goals can help you identify which areas do you need to invest the most time, effort, and money on.
Aim for the Millennials:
As you would already know, the largest population of the users of social media are the millennials. This generation is most likely to be affected by social media, including their decisiveness to buy something off the internet. Being the most common users of social media, they should be your main target demographic when you make your marketing plan. Focus on their buying trends, buying power, and most importantly, learn their language to communicate with them in a more engaging manner.
These 8 social media tactics 2019 are very effective if considered during the planning of your marketing goals and strategies. Any online business can benefit from these, and the more efficiently you integrate them into your promotions, the better your business will perform.