The world of digital marketing is a complex web of different tools and analytics. There are many things that need to be in order for a particular campaign to succeed and reach its intended audience. However, according to our research and understanding “Content” plays the most important role in a campaign’s success. In fact, it is the basis of any SEO strategy and if it is failing it means that most probably your content might be underperforming.
According to the Google trends as well, the worldwide interest in content marketing dominated the digital marketing landscape and it is also considered as an essential part of a thriving SEO strategy. It is understood that content plays an important role in the ranking factors on google as well.
In simple words having a strong grip on your content strategy can do wonders in helping you reach your target audience and successfully deliver a message. This article will help you determine why your content might be underperforming while also providing you tips to improve it. It is one of the most common dilemmas in the world of digital marketing that sometimes even a well thought off and structured reading with a lot of potential might underperform or may not receive the traffic we thought it might get while publishing it. Sometimes solving a puzzle is rather easier than determining what exactly went wrong in this scenario.
Let’s first understand why your content might be under performing:
Content is King

Over 90% of the articles published on the internet get very dismal to almost no traffic at all. There can be many reasons as to why the said content might be underperforming, in most cases these articles are simply not good enough but that cannot be the only reason and there well-written pieces out there that still get no attention. As we all know that any type of content depends heavily on the information that it provides. Outdated information can also lead to a dismal interest from the reader. Also, if the content contains a mention of a past event note that interest usually dries up over time.
The content might not match the user’s intent
There might be instances when a page is not receiving its targeted traffic even though the content is good and also relevant for the reader. The reason behind this can be that the content does not match the intent that Google is showcasing in SERP focused on the keywords being searched for. It is very important for the SEO professionals to recognize and understand its targeted audience and what exactly is that audience interested in reading.
Recheck the format as it might not fall under Google prioritizing

Another reason behind underperforming content might be that it may not be of the format that Google is prioritizing. Hence resulting in lesser visibility. Design your content accordingly in a format that conforms to Google and its paradigms.
Your tech directives might have changed the Pages indexation status
It is very common that your page unexpectedly might have fallen out of Google’s indexes. The most common reason behind this could be as follows: unexpected no-index tag, canonical tag, incorrect hreflang tags, page status changes, page removed with Google Search Console’s remove tool, and so on.
Your Page Might have fallen victim to duplication
As we all know that the Internet is bursting with information on almost anything and everything in this world. It is quite possible that the information about a topic or a keyword you are using might already exist in this vast online domain. This overlapping of information and keywords might trigger duplication or cannibalization which might result in the loss of the organic visibility of your page. Make sure that you use unique keywords, content and linking structures so that your page does not fall prey to duplication.
Your Page maybe subject to JavaScript Changes which makes it difficult for the content to index in Google
For instance, your page has gone through a major redesign and now the JavaScript is dynamically changing some on-page SEO elements. These changes make it extremely difficult for Google to render resulting in the displacement of your page from its indexes.
Drastic SERP changes may also cause less visibility
Search engine results pages are the pages that show up as a result of any query put in by the user online using a search engine such as Google. The SERP s have changed drastically over the last few years with many more new features added to them as well. This along with the surge in competition may have caused a disruption in the rankings, as a result, your page might not be included in the coveted top results.
Your content might not have any backlinks
A backlink is created when one website is linked to another website. In a competitive commercial world not having any or few backlinks can literally come off as a barrier between you and success. Without going into the details for what it’s worth and how backlinks represent your site in Google’s eyes it is extremely difficult to rank key head terms without a good amount of quality backlinks to support your pages.
These above-mentioned scenarios can help you determine why your content is underperforming as compared to its expectations. Either individually or collectively these situations contribute a great deal and need to be revised if a fruitful result is required. Remember that a professional SEO or SEM service like ours would make sure that these problems are overturned if and ever they arise. We hope that this article is useful in the future.